
God is doing some amazing things at Christ’s Fellowship at Little Miami and we are so glad you found us and stopped by to check out our website!

Christ’s Fellowship is a casual, inviting church family of people who love Jesus! If you have recently moved to our community or are just looking to connect with a church family, we want you to know a few things . . .


First of all, RELAX!

At Christ’s Fellowship, you are with friends! If you decide to worship with us, you won’t be singled out or put on the spot in any way. We promise!
You can get to know us at your own pace. There are plenty of opportunities to meet people, make new friends, and get involved.


We Also Want You to Know That . . .

We have a casual atmosphere with friendly people to help you find your way around.
We have loving childcare in our nursery and children’s classes to take care of your kids.
We have an amazing Worship Team that leads our church family in passionate worship experiences.
We have messages that make sense by teaching biblical truth that is applicable to your life.


What Can I Expect?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive from our first-time guests. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us and we will do our very best to help you.

What Should I Wear?
A few people dress up, but most people choose to dress down and come casual. You are encouraged to come to worship the way that you feel most comfortable.

What are the Worship Services Like?
You are encouraged to participate with our church family as we worship the Lord together in spirit and in truth.
We will worship the Lord by singing songs of praise and adoration to God as we are led by our Worship Team.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper, as we do every Sunday, following the pattern of the New Testament church.
If you are a follower of Jesus, you are invited to participate with our church family in this time of communion with Him.
We will be challenged in our walk with the Lord Jesus through the preaching of the Word of God.

Is Childcare Available?
Every Sunday morning Diaperciples provides childcare for parents with little ones from birth through 2-years-old.
Diaperciples is staffed with loving caregivers who will watch over these precious little ones so that parents are able to participate in worship.

Kingdom Kids is our Children’s Ministry that offers Bible School classes at 9:00 am & 11:00 am on Sundays at the Farm House for children in Preschool through the 6th Grade. Children are taught age-appropriate Bible lessons by caring teachers while parents participate in worship service at the Worship Center. The ministry of Kingdom Kids is coordinated by Melissa Puckett who serves as our Children’s Minister and also teaches in the Little Miami School District.


Have More Questions?

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