Sunday, 26. July 2020 The Greatest Commission A Peerless Partner Preacher Ben Walker The discipleship project is bigger than any one person and the ramifications of success and failure ... Scripture: Matthew 28:20
Sunday, 19. July 2020 The Greatest Commission An Obligatory Obedience Preacher Ben Walker Jesus’ instruction to make disciples calls us to teach them to obey all that He has commanded. Shou... Scripture: John 14:18-24, Luke 6:43-49, Matthew 21:28-32
Sunday, 12. July 2020 The Greatest Commission A Divine Death: Baptism Preacher Ben Walker The Great Commission goes into detail on how Jesus’ followers ought to go about making disciples. He... Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17
Sunday, 5. July 2020 The Greatest Commission A Mandatory Mission Preacher Ben Walker The command to make disciples is the prime directive of every follower of Christ. In this week’s me... Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20
Sunday, 28. June 2020 The Greatest Commission An Absolute Authority Preacher Ben Walker Absolute Authority Matt 28:18 Immediately before the great commission, Jesus utters a small phras... Scripture: Matthew 28:18