Sunday, 11. October 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In History - Archeology Preacher Ben Walker Is the Bible a myth? Does it recount actual events and real history? And how could we possibly kno... Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Sunday, 4. October 2020 Beyond Belief Good Revealed In Ethics Preacher Ben Walker Can humans be good without God? It seems an obvious answer of yes, but think deeply on the question... Scripture: I Corinthians 10:4-5
Sunday, 27. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Complexity Preacher Ben Walker “The Anthropic Principle” is a phrase used in the scientific world to describe the uncanny way in wh... Scripture: ! Peter 3:15
Sunday, 20. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Origins Preacher Ben Walker Where did it all come from? How does a universe come into being? There are a lot of people with a ... Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15
Sunday, 13. September 2020 Beyond Belief Something Rather Than Nothing Preacher Ben Walker Why Something Rather than Nothing? The famed philosopher, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has said: “The ... Scripture: I Peter 3:15
Sunday, 6. September 2020 Beyond Belief What Is Truth? Preacher Ben Walker Jesus on trial before Pilate answered a question about whether or not he was a king with the followi... Scripture: I Peter 3:15