Sunday, 14. June 2020 Church.COMmunity Forgive One Another Preacher Dr. David Ray “FORGIVE One Another” (Colossians 3:11-15) – 6/14/20 Somebody has hurt you. Perhaps more than once.... Scripture: Colossians 3:11-15
Sunday, 7. June 2020 Church.COMmunity Love One Another Preacher Dr. David Ray “LOVE One Another” (6/7/20) John 13:33-35 What can the church do and be in this racially-torn mom... Scripture: John 13:33-35
Sunday, 31. May 2020 Church.COMmunity Burdens Preacher Dr. David Ray “BEAR ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS” (Gal. 6:1-5) “Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have so... Scripture: Galatians 6:1-5
Sunday, 24. May 2020 Church.COMmunity Encouragement Preacher Dr. David Ray Edit Post “ENCOURAGE One Another” (5/24/20) We live in relationship-starved times. If it’s not... Scripture: I Thes. 5:11
Sunday, 17. May 2020 Blue Jeans Theology Pray Preacher Dr. David Ray “PRAY!” (James 5:13-18) There are those people who pray (at least a little), and then there is Jame... Scripture: James 5:13-18
Sunday, 10. May 2020 Mother's Day A Mother's Rise to Fame Preacher Dr. David Ray “A MOTHER’S RISE TO FAME” (Judges 4-5) Sometimes you find Mother’s Day stories in unexpected places... Scripture: Judges 4-5
Sunday, 3. May 2020 Blue Jeans Theology Patience Preacher Dr. David Ray “PATIENCE!” (James 5:7-11) Someone has estimated that Americans collectively spend some 37 billion ... Scripture: James 5:7-11
Sunday, 26. April 2020 Blue Jeans Theology Am I Rich? Preacher Dr. David Ray JAMES has a strong word to say to the “rich.” It’s easy to conclude that he’s talking to somebody el... Scripture: James 5:1-6
Sunday, 19. April 2020 Blue Jeans Theology Causes and Cures Preacher Dr. David Ray "QUARRELS & FIGHTS | CAUSES & CURES" (James 4:1-10) "What causes the quarrels and fights... Scripture: James 4:1-10
Sunday, 12. April 2020 Easter I Have Seen the Lord Preacher Dr. David Ray "I HAVE SEEN THE LORD!" (John 20:1-18) She is a main character in the Easter story, even though she... Scripture: John 20:1-18