Sunday, 28. November 2021 Jesus In Time Reigning King - Revelation 21 & 22 Preacher Ben Walker Imagine a political leader that was always good, perfectly attentive to detail, sufficiently powerfu... Scripture: Revelation 21 and 22
Sunday, 21. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge Part 2 - Relevation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is really real? Or perhaps we could ask it this way “What is the most real thing?” That quest... Scripture: Revelation 20:11-15
Sunday, 14. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge - Revelation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is a judge? The scriptures depict a judge as someone who uncovers truth, who fixes that which ... Scripture: Revelation 20:1-10
Sunday, 7. November 2021 Jesus In Time Returning Conqueror - Revelation 19 Preacher Ben Walker Knowing Jesus’ first coming isn’t the full story of Jesus. The second coming must be considered if ... Scripture: Revelation 19
Sunday, 12. September 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Jesus Puts the "Fun" Back In Funerals Preacher Ben Walker Christians approach death differently than the rest of the world, including other world religions. ... Scripture: Luke 7:11-17, Luke 8:49-56, John 11
Sunday, 27. June 2021 Hard Sayings of Jesus Fear Him, Don't Fear Matt 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5 Preacher Ben Walker What most terrifies you in this world? Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? What role does fear have... Scripture: Matthew 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5
Sunday, 30. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Ascension Preacher Ben Walker After 40 days of post-resurrection appearances and instruction, Jesus walks with his disciples out t... Scripture: Luke 24, Acts 1
Sunday, 23. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Transfiguration Preacher Ben Walker There are few moments in Jesus' ministry more powerful than that of the Mount of Transfiguration. Jo... Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
Sunday, 25. April 2021 Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus Don't Be Unbelieving Preacher Ben Walker What is meant by the many calls of scripture to “believe”? Can a person just choose to believe? Join... Scripture: John 20:24-29
Sunday, 13. December 2020 Divine Community A Community of Courage and Correction Preacher Ben Walker The church exists to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. What on earth does that ... Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:1-18