Sunday, 7. March 2021 Behold the Man - Christ on the Cross The Forsaken Christ Preacher Ben Walker The Forsaken Christ (Matthew 27:45-46) In one of the most poignant moments of the crucifixion narra... Scripture: Matthew 27:45-46
Sunday, 7. February 2021 Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility Kingdom Greatness Preacher Shawn Isaacs What is greatness? Our world often looks at greatness through the lenses of fame and fortune and yet... Scripture: Matthew 20:20-28
Sunday, 31. January 2021 Behold the Man What Are You Carrying? Preacher Ben Walker Are you tired? If so, tired of what? What is wearisome about this life? What burdens do you carry? J... Scripture: Matthew 11:28-39
Sunday, 6. December 2020 Divine Community A Community of Confession Preacher Ben Walker So you’ve engaged in sin… what should you do? The scriptures indicate that there is a standard respo... Scripture: Mark 2:1-5
Sunday, 22. November 2020 Divine Community A Community of Worship Preacher Ben Walker There is no question that worship styles and methods have been a serious point of contention and eve... Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25
Sunday, 27. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Complexity Preacher Ben Walker “The Anthropic Principle” is a phrase used in the scientific world to describe the uncanny way in wh... Scripture: ! Peter 3:15
Sunday, 13. September 2020 Beyond Belief Something Rather Than Nothing Preacher Ben Walker Why Something Rather than Nothing? The famed philosopher, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has said: “The ... Scripture: I Peter 3:15
Sunday, 6. September 2020 Beyond Belief What Is Truth? Preacher Ben Walker Jesus on trial before Pilate answered a question about whether or not he was a king with the followi... Scripture: I Peter 3:15
Sunday, 9. August 2020 Feeding Feeding On Scripture Part 2 Preacher Ben Walker Having established that the scriptures are worth our time and energy, we will this week consider how... Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:17