Sunday, 10. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Bad Company Preacher Ben Walker The apostle Paul said “Bad company corrupts good morals” and that seems like sound advise, until you... Scripture: Luke 5:27-32
Sunday, 8. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Carried By Friends - Mark 2:1-12 Preacher Ben Walker In the second chapter of Mark Jesus is in a home crowded to the point of overflowing. Four friends b... Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Sunday, 1. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Water to Wine - John 2:1-11 Preacher Ben Walker Jesus’ ministry was truly unlike that of any prophet, priest, or religious icon in the history of th... Scripture: John 2:1-11
Sunday, 27. June 2021 Hard Sayings of Jesus Fear Him, Don't Fear Matt 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5 Preacher Ben Walker What most terrifies you in this world? Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? What role does fear have... Scripture: Matthew 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5
Sunday, 18. April 2021 Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus The Resurrection and Burning Hearts Preacher Ben Walker The gospel of Luke recounts a story of two of Jesus’ disciples who encountered the resurrected Chris... Scripture: Luke 24:13-42
Sunday, 6. December 2020 Divine Community A Community of Confession Preacher Ben Walker So you’ve engaged in sin… what should you do? The scriptures indicate that there is a standard respo... Scripture: Mark 2:1-5
Sunday, 30. August 2020 Feeding Feeding with Words Preacher Ben Walker Sticks and stones may break my bones… but words can shape eternity. Not quite how you likely remembe... Scripture: Jeremiah 15:16