Sunday, 5. December 2021 Jesus In Time Unseen and Present Preacher Ben Walker How do you relate to someone that you can’t physically see and interact with? Developing and mainta... Scripture: John 16:5-16
Sunday, 21. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge Part 2 - Relevation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is really real? Or perhaps we could ask it this way “What is the most real thing?” That quest... Scripture: Revelation 20:11-15
Sunday, 14. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge - Revelation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is a judge? The scriptures depict a judge as someone who uncovers truth, who fixes that which ... Scripture: Revelation 20:1-10
Sunday, 7. November 2021 Jesus In Time Returning Conqueror - Revelation 19 Preacher Ben Walker Knowing Jesus’ first coming isn’t the full story of Jesus. The second coming must be considered if ... Scripture: Revelation 19
Sunday, 31. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances In the Name of Jesus Preacher Ben Walker Christians can be one of the strongest arguments for Christianity and one of the strongest arguments... Scripture: Matthew 7:12-20,John 15:1-11
Sunday, 17. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Courageous God Preacher Ben Walker When you think about the attributes of God what kinds of things spring to mind? Power? Eternal nat... Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46
Sunday, 10. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Bad Company Preacher Ben Walker The apostle Paul said “Bad company corrupts good morals” and that seems like sound advise, until you... Scripture: Luke 5:27-32
Sunday, 3. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Not As Nice As You Thought - John 2 Preacher Ben Walker Do you know what makes Jesus angry? Do you know what frustrates or irritates him? In order to be m... Scripture: John 2:13-19
Sunday, 19. September 2021 More Than Acquaintances Jesus Thinks You're Wrong - Luke 13 Preacher Ben Walker Is Jesus smart? What does he know and more importantly does he know more than you? This week we wi... Scripture: Luke 13, Luke 13, Matthew 4:17, 1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Isaiah 55:7-11
Sunday, 12. September 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Jesus Puts the "Fun" Back In Funerals Preacher Ben Walker Christians approach death differently than the rest of the world, including other world religions. ... Scripture: Luke 7:11-17, Luke 8:49-56, John 11