Sunday, 5. December 2021 Jesus In Time Unseen and Present Preacher Ben Walker How do you relate to someone that you can’t physically see and interact with? Developing and mainta... Scripture: John 16:5-16
Sunday, 3. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Not As Nice As You Thought - John 2 Preacher Ben Walker Do you know what makes Jesus angry? Do you know what frustrates or irritates him? In order to be m... Scripture: John 2:13-19
Sunday, 26. September 2021 More Than Acquaintances Jesus Has a Difficult Plan for Your Life Preacher Ben Walker While the Christian message (the gospel) is sometimes marketed by the church as a “wonderful” plan f... Scripture: Luke 14:26-32
Sunday, 29. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Liberated Demonic - Mark 5:1-20 Preacher Ben Walker You’ve probably noticed many demon possessions that Jesus deals with, and you’ve likely noticed is t... Scripture: Mark 5:1-20
Sunday, 22. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Feeding the 5,000 - Mark 6:33-44 Preacher John Dye Most are familiar with Jesus feeding the 5,000. But do you know who he instructed to feed the people... Scripture: Mark 6:33-44
Sunday, 8. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Carried By Friends - Mark 2:1-12 Preacher Ben Walker In the second chapter of Mark Jesus is in a home crowded to the point of overflowing. Four friends b... Scripture: Mark 2:1-12
Sunday, 1. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Water to Wine - John 2:1-11 Preacher Ben Walker Jesus’ ministry was truly unlike that of any prophet, priest, or religious icon in the history of th... Scripture: John 2:1-11
Sunday, 25. July 2021 Jesus Teaches In Parables Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16 Preacher Ben Walker Perhaps the most misunderstood and certainly one of the most challenging of Jesus’ parables is the “... Scripture: Luke 16:1-13
Sunday, 30. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Ascension Preacher Ben Walker After 40 days of post-resurrection appearances and instruction, Jesus walks with his disciples out t... Scripture: Luke 24, Acts 1
Sunday, 23. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Transfiguration Preacher Ben Walker There are few moments in Jesus' ministry more powerful than that of the Mount of Transfiguration. Jo... Scripture: Luke 9:28-36