Monday, 3. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Be Happy Preacher Ben Walker This week we will be harkening to Jesus’ radical teachings from the “Sermon on the Mount”. Jesus beg... Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16
Sunday, 25. April 2021 Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus Don't Be Unbelieving Preacher Ben Walker What is meant by the many calls of scripture to “believe”? Can a person just choose to believe? Join... Scripture: John 20:24-29
Sunday, 14. March 2021 Behold the Man - Christ on the Cross When Less Is More Preacher Ben Walker Critical historians carefully examine the size and content of narratives to see whether legendary fe... Scripture: John 19:1-20
Sunday, 7. March 2021 Behold the Man - Christ on the Cross The Forsaken Christ Preacher Ben Walker The Forsaken Christ (Matthew 27:45-46) In one of the most poignant moments of the crucifixion narra... Scripture: Matthew 27:45-46
Sunday, 28. February 2021 Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility Mind of Christ Preacher Ben Walker We know that Jesus mingled with sinners, but have you ever asked yourself why sinners would want to ... Scripture: Philippians 1:27-2:19
Sunday, 14. February 2021 Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility Washing the Disciples Feet Preacher Floyd Resler Jesus & Humility - 02 Washing the Disciples' Feet In John 13, Jesus washes the disciples' fee... Scripture: John 13:1-20
Sunday, 24. January 2021 Behold the Man What Do You Seek? Preacher Ben Walker Have you ever gone looking for something only to find that you’ve forgotten what you’re looking for?... Scripture: John 1:24-51
Sunday, 10. January 2021 Behold the Man Who Are You Waiting For? Preacher Ben Walker What do you anticipate happening in your life? Is anticipate the right word or would dread better de... Scripture: John 4:4-26
Sunday, 3. January 2021 Behold the Man Time with Jesus Preacher Ben Walker We are spending a year focusing on the person of Jesus Christ. We will be examining his character, ... Scripture: Acts 4:5-13
Sunday, 27. December 2020 Behold the Man 2020 - What a Year! Preacher Ben Walker Wrapping up our 2020 sermon year with a quick review, we then begin to focus on where our sermons wi... Scripture: John 1:35-39