Sunday, 21. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge Part 2 - Relevation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is really real? Or perhaps we could ask it this way “What is the most real thing?” That quest... Scripture: Revelation 20:11-15
Sunday, 14. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge - Revelation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is a judge? The scriptures depict a judge as someone who uncovers truth, who fixes that which ... Scripture: Revelation 20:1-10
Sunday, 7. November 2021 Jesus In Time Returning Conqueror - Revelation 19 Preacher Ben Walker Knowing Jesus’ first coming isn’t the full story of Jesus. The second coming must be considered if ... Scripture: Revelation 19
Sunday, 26. September 2021 More Than Acquaintances Jesus Has a Difficult Plan for Your Life Preacher Ben Walker While the Christian message (the gospel) is sometimes marketed by the church as a “wonderful” plan f... Scripture: Luke 14:26-32
Sunday, 19. September 2021 More Than Acquaintances Jesus Thinks You're Wrong - Luke 13 Preacher Ben Walker Is Jesus smart? What does he know and more importantly does he know more than you? This week we wi... Scripture: Luke 13, Luke 13, Matthew 4:17, 1 Corinthians 2:10-16, Isaiah 55:7-11
Sunday, 27. June 2021 Hard Sayings of Jesus Fear Him, Don't Fear Matt 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5 Preacher Ben Walker What most terrifies you in this world? Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? What role does fear have... Scripture: Matthew 10:26-31, Luke 12:4-5
Sunday, 23. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Transfiguration Preacher Ben Walker There are few moments in Jesus' ministry more powerful than that of the Mount of Transfiguration. Jo... Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
Monday, 3. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Be Happy Preacher Ben Walker This week we will be harkening to Jesus’ radical teachings from the “Sermon on the Mount”. Jesus beg... Scripture: Matthew 5:1-16
Sunday, 4. April 2021 Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus Prophecy Fulfilled Beyond the Cross Preacher Ben Walker When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, his disciples needed some insight as to what just happened and... Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-12
Sunday, 21. March 2021 Behold the Man - Christ on the Cross The Faith of a Thief Preacher Ben Walker Jesus was not crucified alone. His torturous death was spent between two convicted criminals who wer... Scripture: Luke 23:32-43