Sunday, 28. February 2021 Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility Mind of Christ Preacher Ben Walker We know that Jesus mingled with sinners, but have you ever asked yourself why sinners would want to ... Scripture: Philippians 1:27-2:19
Sunday, 21. February 2021 Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility Jesus, Our Perfect Example of Suffering Preacher Ben Walker There’s a considerable difference between “instructions” and “example”. Our God gives us instructio... Scripture: I Peter 2:21-25
Sunday, 27. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Complexity Preacher Ben Walker “The Anthropic Principle” is a phrase used in the scientific world to describe the uncanny way in wh... Scripture: ! Peter 3:15
Sunday, 20. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Origins Preacher Ben Walker Where did it all come from? How does a universe come into being? There are a lot of people with a ... Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15
Sunday, 13. September 2020 Beyond Belief Something Rather Than Nothing Preacher Ben Walker Why Something Rather than Nothing? The famed philosopher, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz has said: “The ... Scripture: I Peter 3:15
Sunday, 6. September 2020 Beyond Belief What Is Truth? Preacher Ben Walker Jesus on trial before Pilate answered a question about whether or not he was a king with the followi... Scripture: I Peter 3:15
Sunday, 12. July 2020 The Greatest Commission A Divine Death: Baptism Preacher Ben Walker The Great Commission goes into detail on how Jesus’ followers ought to go about making disciples. He... Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17