Sunday, 21. November 2021 Jesus In Time Righteous Judge Part 2 - Relevation 20 Preacher Ben Walker What is really real? Or perhaps we could ask it this way “What is the most real thing?” That quest... Scripture: Revelation 20:11-15
Sunday, 17. October 2021 More Than Acquaintances Courageous God Preacher Ben Walker When you think about the attributes of God what kinds of things spring to mind? Power? Eternal nat... Scripture: Matthew 26:36-46
Sunday, 5. September 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker 10 Lepers Healed - Luke 17:12-19 Preacher Ben Walker Jesus’ ministry and indeed the ministry of his true church has a special mission to the outcast. Th... Scripture: Luke 17:12-19
Sunday, 25. July 2021 Jesus Teaches In Parables Parable of the Shrewd Manager - Luke 16 Preacher Ben Walker Perhaps the most misunderstood and certainly one of the most challenging of Jesus’ parables is the “... Scripture: Luke 16:1-13
Sunday, 18. July 2021 Jesus Teaches In Parables Two Go Up to Pray - Luke 18 Preacher Ben Walker Self-reliant is generally viewed as a positive trait in our culture, but when it comes to being righ... Scripture: Luke 18:9-14
Sunday, 25. April 2021 Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus Don't Be Unbelieving Preacher Ben Walker What is meant by the many calls of scripture to “believe”? Can a person just choose to believe? Join... Scripture: John 20:24-29
Sunday, 13. December 2020 Divine Community A Community of Courage and Correction Preacher Ben Walker The church exists to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. What on earth does that ... Scripture: I Thessalonians 5:1-18
Sunday, 29. November 2020 Divine Community A Community of Prayer Preacher Ben Walker Any familiarity with Christianity or the history of Christianity gives us confidence that prayer is ... Scripture: Matthew 6:5-13
Sunday, 22. November 2020 Divine Community A Community of Worship Preacher Ben Walker There is no question that worship styles and methods have been a serious point of contention and eve... Scripture: Hebrews 10:24-25
Sunday, 15. November 2020 Divine Community A Community of Practices Preacher Ben Walker A degree of stigma has become attached to the word “religion” both outside of the church and inside... Scripture: Titus 3:5-8