Sunday, 28. November 2021 Jesus In Time Reigning King - Revelation 21 & 22 Preacher Ben Walker Imagine a political leader that was always good, perfectly attentive to detail, sufficiently powerfu... Scripture: Revelation 21 and 22
Sunday, 1. August 2021 Jesus the Miracle Worker Water to Wine - John 2:1-11 Preacher Ben Walker Jesus’ ministry was truly unlike that of any prophet, priest, or religious icon in the history of th... Scripture: John 2:1-11
Sunday, 23. May 2021 Jesus on the Mountain Mount of Transfiguration Preacher Ben Walker There are few moments in Jesus' ministry more powerful than that of the Mount of Transfiguration. Jo... Scripture: Luke 9:28-36
Sunday, 20. September 2020 Beyond Belief God Revealed In Nature - Origins Preacher Ben Walker Where did it all come from? How does a universe come into being? There are a lot of people with a ... Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15