
We offer our past 9 sermons for you to view and listen to.  You can see our entire library of sermons by clicking on one of the links below:

Audio (includes sermons from several years ago).
Video (includes video sermons beginning March 22, 2020).

You can also subscribe to the sermons podcast! This is great for being able to listen to a sermon and pick up where you left off if you can’t complete it in one sitting.

If you’re looking for a particular sermon series, scroll on down to the Sermon Series section. And just below that you will find our Preachers section.

What Is Truth?

September 6, 2020
Jesus on trial before Pilate answered a question about whether or not he was a king with the following statement: “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have…

Feeding with Words

August 30, 2020
Sticks and stones may break my bones… but words can shape eternity. Not quite how you likely remember that particular phrase on the playgrounds of your childhood, but this is…

Feeding Emotion

August 23, 2020
Emotion is one of the most prevalent aspects of religious experience, and yet it is rarely analyzed. What exactly are emotions? Seeing how inconvenient and even dangerous they sometimes prove…

Feeding the Mind

August 16, 2020
Just how important is knowing things anyway? Isn’t learning a waste of time? Isn’t it unspiritual or perhaps even dangerous to the believer? Shouldn’t we just have a “child-like” faith.…
Having established that the scriptures are worth our time and energy, we will this week consider how to read the scriptures for all they’re worth.  Our discussion with a focus…
If we were to ask any Sunday school class or Bible study what we need to grow in spiritual depth, in knowledge of God, in understanding of ourselves and the…
The discipleship project is bigger than any one person and the ramifications of success and failure have eternal implications.  This commission to “go,” is a daunting prospect, for ordinary folks…
Jesus’ instruction to make disciples calls us to teach them to obey all that He has commanded.  Should the whole church be “teachers”?  Do our teachings lead to obedience?  Are…


You can also browse our sermons by a preacher. Check them out below.