
We offer our past 9 sermons for you to view and listen to.  You can see our entire library of sermons by clicking on one of the links below:

Audio (includes sermons from several years ago).
Video (includes video sermons beginning March 22, 2020).

You can also subscribe to the sermons podcast! This is great for being able to listen to a sermon and pick up where you left off if you can’t complete it in one sitting.

If you’re looking for a particular sermon series, scroll on down to the Sermon Series section. And just below that you will find our Preachers section.

After 40 days of post-resurrection appearances and instruction, Jesus walks with his disciples out to the Mount of Olives, a mountain that has already proven significant in his life and…
It seems that every non-Christian knows one Bible verse: Judge not lest you be judged.  However most non-Christians and even many Christ-followers misapply this verse and often miss the greater…
In his sermon on the mount Jesus describes a kind of living that man secular scholars and psychologists have described as madness or masochistic reasoning.  How can someone pursue life…
This week we will be harkening to Jesus’ radical teachings from the “Sermon on the Mount”. Jesus begins this message with a discussion of human happiness that has traditionally be…


You can also browse our sermons by a preacher. Check them out below.