We offer our past 9 sermons for you to view and listen to. You can see our entire library of sermons by clicking on one of the links below:
Audio (includes sermons from several years ago).
Video (includes video sermons beginning March 22, 2020).
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If you’re looking for a particular sermon series, scroll on down to the Sermon Series section. And just below that you will find our Preachers section.
Jesus’ ministry was truly unlike that of any prophet, priest, or religious icon in the history of the world. One of primary reasons his life and mission must be taken…
Perhaps the most misunderstood and certainly one of the most challenging of Jesus’ parables is the “Shrewd Manager”. In the parable Jesus seems to elevate a dishonest thieving steward, then…
Self-reliant is generally viewed as a positive trait in our culture, but when it comes to being right before God, is self-reliant a good idea? This week we see Jesus…
An expert in the Law stands up to ask Jesus a question. The back and forth of questions and answers that follow result in the telling of a parable. This…
What happens when the word of God comes to people? We’ve all probably seen radical life change in some folks followed by effective kingdom work, but we’ve also seen people…
What most terrifies you in this world? Is fear a good thing or a bad thing? What role does fear have in the mind of a Christian? As we approach…
Excusing ourselves from following Christ is not a trend invented in this generation. For as long as Jesus has offered the invitation to follow him, people have been finding reasons…
Following a swell of popularity for Jesus in which the crowds were seeking to make Jesus king by force, he flees the crowds to spend time alone with God. Shortly…
Christmas cards are filled with proclamations of peace on earth and Jesus is generally viewed as the incarnation of peace and love, but is that an accurate representation of Jesus…
Sermon Series
You can also browse our sermons by series. Check them out below.
Behold the Man
Behold the Man - Christ on the Cross
Behold the Man - Jesus and Humility
Behold the Man - The Resurrected Jesus
Beyond Belief
Blue Jeans Theology
Divine Community
Hard Sayings of Jesus
How to Hear a Sermon
Jesus In Time
Jesus on the Mountain
Jesus Teaches In Parables
Jesus the Miracle Worker
More Than Acquaintances
Mother's Day
The Greatest Commission