We are now having live worship services! The services will be at our normal times of 9 am and 10:45 am. We are extremely excited to be open for worship! We also want to be as prayerful and careful as possible so we can do it the right way, and the safe way, for all of our people and our guests. So what does this mean for our CFLM family? Below you will find our plan. However, before getting too far into it, there are one very important things you should know:
1. If you do not feel comfortable coming out to church or you are sick, stay home! You will be able to watch the service live online.

The Basics

When you arrive, you will may be asked to wait outside until you can be seated.

Everything is live – worship and preaching.

The governor has mandated that facial coverings be worn in all public venues. If you come to church without a mask, it will be assumed you have a reason for not wearing one – you will not be turned away.

Please arrive early! The services will start promptly at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. This is especially important for the first service since we will need to have time to clean the church before the second service.

We encourage you to bring your own hand sanitizer. Even though we will have hand sanitizer, we encourage you to bring some as well. (If you would like to donate some to help us have more than enough, that would be great, too!)   

We will use disposable communion only. You can pick that up on your way into worship. 

We will provide coffee but not food.

We will have cleaning teams thoroughly clean between services.

We will need to clear the building as soon as possible, especially after the first service, to clean. You are free to fellowship in the parking lot observing social distancing.

 If you have any concerns or health issues, we strongly recommend you remain at home and watch our online services which will continue at all the normal times.

To ensure we are doing everything we possibly can to keep our people safe, especially our young ones, we will be encouraging families to sit together.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get more information?
If you would like more information or have questions, send an email to info@cflm.org or contact your shepherd.

Please pray for our leaders, staff and volunteers who have been helping us prepare for reopening our church for worship.

This has been a trying time for all of us. It has also been a learning experience. We are convinced that God’s hand is in all of this and He is using this to help us be stronger and better than before!

We love all of you and can’t wait to see you on Sunday, at church or online!